Giving Thanks

If you don’t already know, I (Brynn), do most of the writing on the blog, on our facebook/twitter, and pretty much in life in general for Mike+Brynn. And Mike takes the majority of the photos– he’s really good at it… he never ceases to see things in a new way. He has so much experience (going all the way back to that blue ribbon at the LA County Fair) that it is fascinating to watch him work and see how his mind ticks. There are clear roles and jobs we’ve taken on in our business and in our marriage to enable us to peaceably work together (foreign nations should study us). I’m the slightly obsessed control freak that makes to-do lists, schedules, and remembers everyone’s names and anniversaries, and Mike is the creative, good-mood inducing life of the party who always has a Plan B for when my Plan A doesn’t work and a Plan C just in case. Last night, as I was pondering what our Thanksgiving post would be about, I was not in a very giving-thanks-kind-of-mood due to the second batch of messed up cookies and an epic fail on dinner. I asked him from across the room, “What are you thankful for?” The answer that he gave blew me away.. not because he is not this kind of person, but because sometimes I forget just how awesome he is. He didn’t know I was writing the blog in my head and said, “I’m thankful that I get to take pictures of people making happy memories. It’s my silent prayer before every session… I thank God for being able to do what we do.. capturing those special moments.” My heart was warmed to learn that my husband, who takes so much pride in giving our clients his best, is all the while giving thanks just for being given the opportunity to be there!

There are a lot of things to be thankful for, and our list is long and our gratitude is voiced often. Here is my list of things that I am thankful for (because if you know me, you know I can never pick just one thing):

that I get to work with my best friend
The Big Bang Theory
for my boys cheerfully helping with chores
cake for breakfast
my family helping with our children
and mostly that I found my person.

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”